Imam Khomeini explained snares and wiles of the devil

Imam Khomeini explained snares and wiles of the devil

Imam Khomeini explained that the victims of ‘ujb (who think highly of themselves), by advancing step by step in transgression and sinfulness, ultimately reach the stage of apostasy

Sunday, January 07, 2024 01:02

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Imam Khomeini stressed need for purifying inner self

Imam Khomeini stressed need for purifying inner self

Imam Khomeini through his theological works advised the believers and faithful people to purify their intentions and actions.

Saturday, January 06, 2024 01:02

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Imam Khomeini advised believers to take care of their hereafter

Imam Khomeini advised believers to take care of their hereafter

Imam Khomeini's famous work "an exposition on Forty Hadith" contains treasure of mysticism and include discussions on a range of spiritual topics.

Friday, January 05, 2024 01:02

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Imam Khomeini’s political thought  and ideals reject any form of dependence

Imam Khomeini’s political thought and ideals reject any form of dependence

Imam Khomeini always emphasized the need for opposing cultural, political, and economic dependence on world powers. `

Thursday, January 04, 2024 01:02

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Institute set to launch Imam Khomeini’s cultural week

Institute set to launch Imam Khomeini’s cultural week

The opening ceremony will be held on January 2 at Imam Khomeini’s birth city of Khomein and will be attended by senior officials, political figures, cultural personalities and academics and intellectuals.

Monday, January 01, 2024 10:09

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Imam Khomeini distributed sweets, gifts for his Christian neighbors  in Neauphle-le-Chateau

Imam Khomeini distributed sweets, gifts for his Christian neighbors in Neauphle-le-Chateau

Imam Khomeini during his stay in Neauphle-le-Chateau released congratulatory messages and distributed gifts among the residents.

Monday, January 01, 2024 07:48

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Imam Khomeini brought about positive changes in order to raise women status in current era: Dr. Khomsari

Imam Khomeini brought about positive changes in order to raise women status in current era: Dr. ...

The head of institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini says that the founder of the Islamic Revolution brought about very positive changes in order to raise the women status in contemporary history.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023 10:50

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