Imam Khomeini’s movement blew a new spirit in Islam’s body

Chairman of Russian Mufti’s Council:

Imam Khomeini’s movement blew a new spirit in Islam’s body

Imam Khomeini’s movement which leaded to the Islamic revolution of Iran, is an honor for all the Muslims and it blew a new spirit in Islam’s body.

Friday, February 10, 2012 10:54

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 Imam Khomeini always emphasized on the unity of Muslims

Maulavi Mohammad Mokhtar Mofleh:

Imam Khomeini always emphasized on the unity of Muslims

The principle of unity among all Islamic sects is notable and undeniable. Therefor Imam Khomeini, by having full knowledge in this subject, named this week as the Unity Week.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 10:31

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 Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Today, in this small, yet luminous and great meeting all schools of Muslims including our Sunni and Shi`ite brothers, universities and theological seminaries and different strata of people have assembled. This is an example of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution God has bestowed upon all of us. By His grace we have became brothers. The universities, that used to be apart from seminaries, are today united with them. It is hoped that this unity will remain forever Sunni and Shi`ite brothers have initiated the unity of expression and I hope this unity will remain till the end.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 02:50

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Islamic Unity conference in South Africa

On the occasion of Unity Week

Islamic Unity conference in South Africa

An Islamic Unity conference will be organized on 5th February 2012 in South Africa.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 10:28

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Fear of Imam Khomeini’s Fatwa

cancelled Salman Rushdie’s visit to India

Fear of Imam Khomeini’s Fatwa

Salman Rushdie who was condemned to death by the fatwa of Imam Khomeini because of his book “The Satanic Verses”, withdrew from traveling to India and attending at the Literature festival of this country, fearing Imam’s fatwa.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 10:14

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Imam Khomeini`s historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

The return of Imam Khomeini to Tehran after fifteen years in exile

Imam Khomeini's historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

We should thank all the strata of the society for bringing this victory up to this stage by means of their unanimity. We should all understand that the secret of this victory is the unanimity among Muslims- all of them-, the unanimity of religious minorities with the Muslims, the solidarity of universities and educational schools, the solidarity of the clergy and the political factions.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012 02:52

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``The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.``

Mohammad Javad Larijani:

''The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.''

After we returned from Moscow, early in the morning we went to visit Imam Khomeini; he told us: "Was Marxism over or not?" and I replied: "It was completely over", ***I always pity that Imam's letter was never analyzed well so that its thoughtful and deep sources could be revealed and we could find its meanings.***Shevardnadze told me he was shelterless against Imam's looks.***Imam's message had a great affect, the letters literature was quite interesting for them, they were faced with a leader like Imam Khomeini who spoke strongly, opposite to countries who spoke with strain against the Kremlin officials or always argue with them.

Monday, January 23, 2012 09:42

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“Muslims will never abandon Jerusalem”

Were the words of Hussein Sheikh al-Islam

“Muslims will never abandon Jerusalem”

Recently Israel has announced that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. This according to Hussein Sheikh al-Islam, who is the head of the conference of support for the Palestinian Uprising, shows that Israel is becoming weak and is trying to avert people’s attention from this fact.

Monday, January 16, 2012 02:51

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