President Rouhani hopes new US administration will make up for past mistakes

President Rouhani hopes new US administration will make up for past mistakes

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the new US administration needs to act swiftly to make up for the past mistakes and return to the rule of law by resuming its commitments under a UN resolution that endorsed the 2015 agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

Thursday, February 18, 2021 01:23

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 Iranian nation played effective in toppling this tyrant Trump regime, says President Rouhani

Iranian nation played effective in toppling this tyrant Trump regime, says President Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani made the remarks on Wednesday at a ceremony on the occasion the 42nd anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that overthrew the US-backed Pahlavi regime.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 01:03

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 Imam Khomeini was still taking care of us, our family

Imam Khomeini was still taking care of us, our family

Once it was brought into the notice of Imam that a well-khnow Quranic reciter in the holy city of Najaf, Mr. Shoshtari, was grappling with disease and finanical problems needed assistence.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 09:04

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