Election, a national political maneuver, to determine the fate of the nation and the political life of the country: University Professor

Election, a national political maneuver, to determine the fate of the nation and the political life ...

A prominent university professor says that elections are a national and political maneuver in which massive participation of the people determines the destiny and fate of a nation.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 08:00

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Imam`s books and works contain treasure of divine-oriented wisdom

Imam's books and works contain treasure of divine-oriented wisdom

Islamic scholars, motivated by a tradition from the Prophet Muhammad, which promises Divine Rewards for scholars who collect forty traditions, compile hadith narrations in groups of forty.

Monday, June 10, 2024 11:58

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Khorramshahr liberation marked an exemplary display of Iranian heroism under Imam Khomeini leadership

Khorramshahr liberation marked an exemplary display of Iranian heroism under Imam Khomeini ...

Iran is marking the 42th anniversary of the liberation of the southwestern city of Khorramshahr from forces of the ex-Iraqi dictator’s regime in the course of the eight-year war imposed on the Islamic Republic in 1980s. Iranian forces recaptured the strategic port city during landmark operation code-named Beit ol-Moqaddas in 1982, putting an end to over 500 days of the Iraqi occupation.

Friday, May 24, 2024 08:55

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Divine hidden assistance triggered US defeat in Tabas desert, Imam Khomeini highlighted

Divine hidden assistance triggered US defeat in Tabas desert, Imam Khomeini highlighted

April 25, 1980 is reminiscent of the aggressive attack of the special combat forces of the American regime on the territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their illegal entry into Tabas Desert. Imam Khomeini said that American failure and defeat was originated from hidden assistance from God the Almighty for the faithful Iranian people.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 10:58

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Muslims hold night-long vigils on Qadr Nights until dawn.

Muslims hold night-long vigils on Qadr Nights until dawn.

The night preceding Imam Ali’s martyrdom is considered to be one of the threefold Qadr (Destiny) Nights, when the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad more than 14 centuries ago. Muslims hold night-long vigils on Qadr Nights, reciting the holy Qu’ran and praying until dawn.

Friday, March 29, 2024 09:43

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Advises and Recommendations of Imam Khomeini about the Holy Month of Ramadan

Advises and Recommendations of Imam Khomeini about the Holy Month of Ramadan

The blessed month of Ramadan, you should reflect, reform yourselves, and pay attention to God Almighty, seek forgiveness for your unbecoming behavior and deeds, and if, God forbid, you have committed a sin, repent for it prior to entering the blessed month of Ramadan. Habituate your tongue to intimate devotions to God the Almighty

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 01:47

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Anti-arrogance and Support of Indigents across the World in Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy Thoughts Emphasizing on the Semantics of Indigence and Arrogance in Almizan Interpretation

Anti-arrogance and Support of Indigents across the World in Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy Thoughts ...

Imam Khomeini has attempted to review the concepts of anti arrogance and support of indigents across the world inspiring by the holy Koran, and has established them as two columns of his internal and foreign policy. Meanwhile it will be tried to study the concepts of anti arro gance and support of indigents, their dimensions, their types, and their components according to Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint to show that the Koranic concept of anti arrogance .

Monday, March 25, 2024 12:44

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