Special Features of the "Global Quds Day"

Special Features of the "Global Quds Day"

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 09:10

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Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

Imam Khomeini's Message:

Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

On June 28, 1981 (7 Tir, 1360) a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Iran’s Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-three leading officials of the Islamic Republic lost their lives, including Chief Justice and party secretary Ayatollah Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, four cabinet ministers (Health, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), and several other government officials. The bomber, who was as a young student and a Mujahedin operative named Mohammad Reza Kolahi, had long ago penetrated into the party. After planting the bomb inside the party building, Kolahi fled the scene before the explosion. Mujahedin-e khalq terrorist organization officially assumed responsibility for this terrorist operation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 09:40

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International Quran Reciters and Memorizers Visited the Jamaran Husseiniah

International Quran Reciters and Memorizers Visited the Jamaran Husseiniah

Quran reciters and memorizers who have participated at the 29th International Competitions of the Holy Quran visited the Jamaran Husseiniah.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 09:29

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The Birth Anniversary of the Dawn of Spirituality and the Guardian of Islam

Imam Khomeini:

The Birth Anniversary of the Dawn of Spirituality and the Guardian of Islam

Congratulations on the occasion of the rising of the sun of Shaban 3rd, marking the birth anniversary of the dawn of spirituality and the guardian of Islam, who renewed the Holy Quran and rescued the Ummah of the Seal of Prophets- peace be upon him and his progeny.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 09:26

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 Imam Khomeini always emphasized on the unity of Muslims

Maulavi Mohammad Mokhtar Mofleh:

Imam Khomeini always emphasized on the unity of Muslims

The principle of unity among all Islamic sects is notable and undeniable. Therefor Imam Khomeini, by having full knowledge in this subject, named this week as the Unity Week.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 10:31

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``The late Imam always insisted on the issue of unity among the Muslim people``

Ayatollah Sayyid Noor Mofidi and Unity:

''The late Imam always insisted on the issue of unity among the Muslim people''

Ayatollah Sayyid Noor Mofidi, who is the Supreme Leader’s representative in Golestan and the leader of the Friday congregational prayers in Gorgan, talked of Imam Khomeini’s insistence on the unity of Muslims and its importance. He also talked of the Supreme Leader’s help in guiding Muslims towards unity and in neutralizing the plots of the enemies of Islam.

Thursday, January 05, 2012 09:33

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Imam Khomeini’s thoughts led to the awakening of the people of Tunisia

The head of the Alzaytoonah University of Tunisia:

Imam Khomeini’s thoughts led to the awakening of the people of Tunisia

Abdul Jaleel Salim, who is the head of the Alzaytoonah University of Tunisia, had a meeting with Ali Reza I’rafi, who is the head of Jami’at Al-Mustafa. Salim talked of the influence of the Imam’s views on the people of Tunisia and said that the University was interested in expanding its relations with Qom.

Saturday, December 31, 2011 03:17

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Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The auspicious feast of Ghadeer Khumm

Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The issue of Ghadir is not an event befallen the Imam. In fact, Ghadir is something the Imam created. This noble personality and fountainhead of sound human qualities prompted the Ghadeer to take place. Ghadeer has no value for the Imam. That which is valuable is the Imam himself. It has been known to Almighty God that after the Messenger of Allah there is no one among men who could implement justice in a pleasing and efficient manner. He commissioned the Messenger of Allah to appoint this person who had the power to implement justice in its true sense in the society and have a divine government.

Monday, November 14, 2011 03:34

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