The real objective of fasting is that the humans must learn how to maintain self-control

Ayatollah Mousawi Bojnordi:

The real objective of fasting is that the humans must learn how to maintain self-control

This month-long struggle, triggers purification and will direct us towards perfection.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012 02:42

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The holy month of Ramadan is before us

The holy month of Ramadan is before us

God almighty has invited you in the month of Ramadan to His banquet. As you see fasting is God's banquet; it is not like our parties with those formalities and lavish meals. It is a reception in which one should abstain from desires. Notice that one should perform the rituals in the holy month of Ramadan, particularly its mental rites. One should not be merely engaged in praying- prayer in its real sense is of importance. Remembering God in the real sense of the word is what brings tranquility to the heart. "Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!" (The holy Quran, 13:28) Remembrance of God means considering God present everywhere, in the holy month of Ramadan, one should be preoccupied with remembrance of God and His blessings and thank God for His favors.

Saturday, July 21, 2012 01:20

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 “The purpose of the path” written by Seyyed Hassan Khomeini was translated to Urdu

“The purpose of the path” written by Seyyed Hassan Khomeini was translated to Urdu

The book named “The purpose of the path” written by Seyyed Hassan Khomeini which was published in Persian last year, was translated to Urdu during this year’s Fajr decade.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:43

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Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The auspicious feast of Ghadeer Khumm

Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The issue of Ghadir is not an event befallen the Imam. In fact, Ghadir is something the Imam created. This noble personality and fountainhead of sound human qualities prompted the Ghadeer to take place. Ghadeer has no value for the Imam. That which is valuable is the Imam himself. It has been known to Almighty God that after the Messenger of Allah there is no one among men who could implement justice in a pleasing and efficient manner. He commissioned the Messenger of Allah to appoint this person who had the power to implement justice in its true sense in the society and have a divine government.

Monday, November 14, 2011 03:34

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