The retired members of the Polish football team visited the Imam’s house

Polish football team

The retired members of the Polish football team visited the Imam’s house

The retired members of the Polish football team paid their respects to the Imam’s ideals and visited his house and the Husseiniah in Jamaran.

Sunday, December 18, 2011 09:50

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An Egyptian’s report of the Imam’s house in Jamaran

The Imam’s house

An Egyptian’s report of the Imam’s house in Jamaran

Asra Ahmad Foaad is an Egyptian news reporter who recently travelled to Iran to see the Imam’s house. She was shocked at the simplicity and modesty of the leader of the revolution’s house and published an article in the Yowm al-Sab’ newspaper regarding this. In this article she also talks of the meeting she had with the Imam’s daughter.

Saturday, December 17, 2011 09:58

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Visual Arts Assembly set up at Imam Khomeini’s house

Visual Arts Assembly

Visual Arts Assembly set up at Imam Khomeini’s house

The head of the Khomein Culture and Islamic Guidance Department announced that an assembly and visual arts exhibition regarding the topic of Muharram and Ashura will be set up at Imam Khomeini’s house in Khomein.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 02:15

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The true aim of the Master of Martyrs (as)

The true aim of the Master of Martyrs (as)

The society at the time of Imam Hussein (as) was in such as state that, the holy Imam (as) was forced to take a strong stand and endure great tragedies to save the TRUE Islam. The ceremonies and other acts of mourning we carry out and hold are not only to achieve merits but rather to remember the message of pure Islam and keep it alive.

Monday, December 12, 2011 03:11

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The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 1

Protests all over the world

The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 1

Who would have believed that the dictatorships ruling the Arab world would fall one by one or that protests against capitalism would emerge in the West? What has really been shocking is the Western demonstrations against the economic policies of the world’s greatest powers. Instead of occupying, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans are now occupying Wall Street. It seems they have finally woken up and now seen the real world they are living in.

Thursday, November 24, 2011 09:14

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Imam Khomeini`s Hajj message and the philosophy behind it

Hajj message

Imam Khomeini's Hajj message and the philosophy behind it

In an interview with Ayatollah Taskhiri, chairman of the International Forum for Proximity of Islamic Denominations, the hajj messages issued by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution were discussed. Due to the long day Iranian pilgrims had to endure on their way to Saudi Arabia, certain negotiations took place between the officials of the two countries in order to coordinate the times and delays. Ayatollah Taskhiri was a member of the Iranian delegation which was sent to Saudi Arabia to negotiate with Saudi officials.

Saturday, November 12, 2011 10:30

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Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive politico-religious Hajj congregation

Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive ...

In fact, the blessed feast is the day the Muslims of the world are emancipated from the hegemony of tyrants and world-devourers thanks to the wakefulness of Muslims and the commitment of Muslim `ulama'. This great goal is feasible when different aspects of Islamic laws can be presented to the oppressed people, acquainting nations with Islam and not losing opportunities for this great fateful matter.

Monday, November 07, 2011 03:35

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Ayatollah Khamenei`s Message to Hajj Pilgrims- 2011

Ayatollah Khamenei's Hajj message

Ayatollah Khamenei's Message to Hajj Pilgrims- 2011

The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei issued a statement to the Hajj congress and pilgrims. In this statement Ayatollah Khamenei talked of the recent movements and uprisings in the Arab World and stated that these uprisings were due to the Islamic awakening of different societies. Furthermore he added that in order for these uprisings to be successful, people must be resolute and must not be fooled by the deceit or trickery used by some powerful countries to break up their unity. Without unity and persistence no uprising can achieve anything.

Sunday, November 06, 2011 03:13

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