Imam advised believers, seminary student to reform and refine themselves

Imam advised believers, seminary student to reform and refine themselves

Imam Khomeini while dressing seminary students once said : You should refine yourselves, so that when you leave the seminary and become the leader of a people in a city or district, they may profit from you, take advice from you, and reform themselves.

Saturday, November 12, 2022 10:34

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God sent messengers, books  to show humans right path, Imam Khomeini explained

God sent messengers, books to show humans right path, Imam Khomeini explained

According to Imam Khomeini, God, the Almighty has sent His messengers and prophets and His Books as well to show us which path is right and which one is wrong.

Sunday, November 06, 2022 09:57

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Prophets are assigned to elevate mankind to lofty high position, Imam Khomeini highlighted

Prophets are assigned to elevate mankind to lofty high position, Imam Khomeini highlighted

Imam Khomeini said the divine prophets have all been assigned to train true human beings and to elevate mankind from this natural status to the lofty and high position of the supernatural and the heavens.

Saturday, October 08, 2022 05:45

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Imam Khomeini had been a famous son of Islam.

Imam Khomeini had been a famous son of Islam.

Nelson Mendela - Former South African president and anti-apartied figure and hero for struggle against racial discrimination

Tuesday, September 06, 2022 11:05

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The great prophets of God were sent to this world with the light of Divine Laws

The great prophets of God were sent to this world with the light of Divine Laws

Imam Khomeini through his works explained that God revealed to them heavenly books, so that they may prevent people from indulging into extravagances and immoderations, and bring the human self under the control of reason and the law of Shari’ah.

Sunday, August 14, 2022 09:56

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Man’s nature commands man to be grateful to his benefactor, Imam Khomeini explained

Man’s nature commands man to be grateful to his benefactor, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini has explained that thankfulness is natural and man’s nature commands man to be grateful to his benefactor. If one tries to read the book of his own heart, he will see that this law is written there.

Sunday, August 14, 2022 09:43

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Examining the Duties of the Islamic State to Enforce Social Justice From Imam Khomeini`s Perspective

Examining the Duties of the Islamic State to Enforce Social Justice From Imam Khomeini's Perspective

Imam Khomeini, as a scholar of Islam and justice Seeker, with a deep understanding of the importance of justice in the Qur'an and Sunnah and the fact that many of the problems and difficulties of the society are rooted in the disbelief or confrontation of the rulers with justice has been commented on many times. This research has been done descriptively and analytically, and its findings indicate that, according to Imam Khomeini, the Islamic government is responsible for eliminating oppression, discrimination, and justice in society and should prioritize this issue and Work through practical solutions to achieve this

Friday, August 05, 2022 02:07

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