Does worldliness mean turning away from the hereafter?

Does worldliness mean turning away from the hereafter?

Imam says, for many people, this world and the hereafter are cheese and chalk apart, and (to them) worldliness means turning away from the hereafter, while seeking the hereafter denotes hostility to the world.

Saturday, October 23, 2021 08:13

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One of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been combination of mysticism

One of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been combination of mysticism

Researchers maintain that one of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been the combination of mysticism and politics and it’s been used in his daily life and his political decisions.

Thursday, August 05, 2021 04:24

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Imam stressed the need of treading the path of felicity and reaching the highest human grades

Imam stressed the need of treading the path of felicity and reaching the highest human grades

Imam Khomeini explained through his theological works said it should to be remembered that the spiritual harm inflicted by the forbidden things is greater than all other vices, and it is for this very reason that they have been forbidden.

Sunday, April 04, 2021 01:13

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The historical travelling and the evolution of the poverty concept regarding the Islamic mysticism and the examining of that regarding Imam Khomeini’s views

The historical travelling and the evolution of the poverty concept regarding the Islamic mysticism ...

Among the contemporary mystics Imam Khomeini and here we have discussed his thoughts has paid attention to the poverty from both of the aspects that are there.

Monday, October 26, 2020 02:34

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   Imam Khomeini defined sphere of  sublime world, purification of soul

Imam Khomeini defined sphere of sublime world, purification of soul

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works undertook serious discussions over the purification of soul and the self.

Friday, February 21, 2020 08:22

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