Human Rights According to Imam Khomeini (s)

Human Rights According to Imam Khomeini (s)

Imam Khomeini: "Freedom of expression, free elections, freedom of the press, radio and television, and freedom to propagate, these are basic human rights."

Monday, September 10, 2012 08:58

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Importance of Judgment in Islam

Imam's Speech for the Participants in the Seminar of Revolutionary Courts and Religious Rulers across the Country

Importance of Judgment in Islam

You may disgrace a Muslim or administer rights with the pen you hold in your hand, so you should be careful that God is Omnipresent and Omniscient.

Thursday, June 28, 2012 09:44

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The Imam`s Wife and His Success

Hojatoleslam Majid Ansari:

The Imam's Wife and His Success

All women that a positive role is mentioned for them in the Quran, had been beside a great leader, for example Hadhrat Zaynab was actually responsible for Imamate from 11th of Muharram, after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, until they reached Sham

Friday, March 16, 2012 01:11

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