Christians Were Deeply Impressed by Imam Khomeini

Christians Were Deeply Impressed by Imam Khomeini

The Christians were deeply impressed by the excellent ethical attitude of Imam and became emotionally attached to him during his stay on the suburbs of Paris.

Saturday, December 27, 2014 12:21

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Imam Khomeini Released Congratulatory Messages on Christmas

Imam Khomeini Released Congratulatory Messages on Christmas

Imam sent messages of congratulations on eve of Christmas during his historic stay in the French capital Paris and he continued this pattern even after victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Friday, December 26, 2014 01:52

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Imam Recommended Army to Defect from Brutal Shah Regime

Imam Recommended Army to Defect from Brutal Shah Regime

Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the world recommended the army officers and soldiers to defect from the brutal Pahlavi regime of Shah.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 01:44

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Ashura rallies led to collapse of Shah regime: Imam Khomeini

Ashura rallies led to collapse of Shah regime: Imam Khomeini

The great leader of the Muslim tanked millions of Iranians for staging rallies on the religious occasion of Ashura which led to collapse of the dictatorial and brutal Pahlavi regime in Iran.

Friday, December 12, 2014 05:23

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Imam used to hail students sacrifices

Imam used to hail students sacrifices

Founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Rouhollah Imam Khomeini hailed the sacrifices rendered by the university students against the Pahalavi regime and its baking imperial and colonial powers.

Sunday, December 07, 2014 02:29

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Iraqi Tribe Leaders Visit Imam Khomeini Historic Residence

Iraqi Tribe Leaders Visit Imam Khomeini Historic Residence

A group of religious leaders and tribe's leaders from various regions of Iraq have visited Imam Khomeini’s historic simply-built residence of the late founder of the Islamic Republic in the northern part of the Iranian capital Tehran.

Sunday, November 16, 2014 05:46

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Millions of Mourners Marking Ashura Worldwide

Millions of Mourners Marking Ashura Worldwide

The messages released by the founder of the Islamic Republic on the occasion of Ashura and about the philosophy of Imam Hussein (PBUH) uprising attracted millions of people around the globe.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014 01:00

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Imam Khomeini Underscored Preserving of Ashura Legacy

Imam Khomeini Underscored Preserving of Ashura Legacy

Imam Khomeini, the world religious and spiritual emphasized on several occasions that the Islamic Revolution in Iran was inspired by the Ashura and this inheritance must be kept and preserved for the coming generations.

Monday, November 03, 2014 06:00

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